Architecture Education
Before enrolling into architecture, mom already warn me claiming that architecture is a 24/7 industry. I know but I was still curious about being an architecture students. For instance, what they usually do and what they learn in the school and now I know, very well. We spend most of our time in the studio. We sleep, and when we drop to the floor, we wake up and get back to our work (though we wish to go back to sleep), we survive on coffee (I personally don’t but survive on mamak), and feel like the work will take us to the end of our days. Therefore, we do not know when a day starts and when it ends.
Back then I studied at the adjacent secondary school, SMK Tamn Connaught and I didn’t expect myself to study at the same area again. My first day at uni was strange, which is not uncommon. My mom send me off to the uni and had said goodbye and so I was left in my new uni. That was my first time for entering this building. I don’t feel it small but I found it very “structural” maybe because it is a engineering school? When I walked further into I could see both the floating studio and gallery studio and I was wondering why I don’t have these beautiful studio listed on my timetable? Because I want a beautiful classroom. Haha.
However, after getting through 3.5 semester, I am abit unsatisfied with the school. Talking about facilities, I hope that every student are assigned with an individual working table. Other universities, they provide every semester one studio and every student will have their own personal working area. Last semester break, I have attended an assessment session with 2 panels from UPM and UTM. They asked us whether we are satisfies with the uni facility or not. None of us dare to say anything but Yu Jing breaks the silence and mentioned the same concern. The panels asked us do we have a floating studio and replied him yes. The funny thing was that we thought ‘floating studio’ literally means floating (especially with glasss envelope). In fact, it means sharing studio lol. Anyway, I understand that the school is putting efforts it is just that the school is too small. Not only the studio but also the make lab. I always wanted to try on different materials to make a model yet the make lab is always closed. We must get the permission and find someone to supervise us in order to use the make lab. I hope the make lab could be open given a specific time so that anyone can use it. Also find a contractor to in charge of make lab as soon as possible. It would be a waste if we do not use it.
Besides, our campus consists of two main courses, architecture and engineering. I personally think that this is a very good social platform. Both should know each other more by helding some events to encourage a two-way learning. We could also have a shared laboratory with engineering student. Achitect + Engineer is an inseparable relationship.
Nevertheless, the school library is like a gold mine. It is small in size but big in knowledge. It has most of the architectural books that provides a sufficient information. Furthermore, my campus is very small if compare to South Wing but I like it the most. A smaller size means lesser student, lesser student means more parking! To be honest I usually only take 5 minutes to find a parking outside the uni compound.
There are a few more things that I would like to share here. First off, do not expect the school to teach you how to talk or how to be sociable. I would consider these skills as a learning process of being an architecture student. Again, we are trained to be self reliant, to think and to talk because we are building the future. I remember Mr. Ashran once said, Be a thinker, never stop learning. (now I miss him TT). I have an obvious change for being the survivor of architecture. I start to think and observe more. However in return, I had sacrifices most of my family time and giving it all to the assignments. Mom, thanks for your understanding and all the non-stop encouragements. I am not regret of taking architecture but I am abit exhausted now. To those who are slowly losing their enthusiasm please do not give up. 2 more semester and you can throw the graduation hat to the sky!
Taken from Serene Ang's Facebook
Cheers! =)