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28th architectural student workshop

matra 2016

architecture talk

Matra 28 was an amazing and fun experience for me and although we didn't win all the category that we put tons of effort in, it's still a worthy and memorable journey.



Attended an architecture talk themed “Redimensioning Architecture” by Ar. Madhura Prematilleke on the third day of Matra 28.

He is an architect and urban designer based in Sri Lanka which currently leading Team Architrave Colombo. He studied architecture at Moratuwa and Helsinki, and has practised in Sri Lanka, Finland, India, China, Oman, and the Maldives. The team he is leading has won 9 Design Awards and 4 Colour Awards from the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects for personalized houses, interiors, office buildings and the creative re-use of older structures .

During hte talk, he presented his works throughout his practice years to us and even shared his Manifesto about architecture.

Build less                                         slim the program

Build on less                                   reduce the footprint, grow trees

Build in and out                              dissolve barriers between inside and outside

Build slender                                  reduce mass, get slim, make natural light and ventilation possible

Build robust                                    lets go to ruin gracefully, reduce the need for maintenance

Build light                                       lightweight structures, layers and skin touch the earth lightly

Build leftover                                  adapt the existing, bring history to life

Build ordinary                                seek out the beautiful in the everyday, regular is the new special

Build safe, not sterile                    kill hazard, don’t kill joy

Build local                                       feed off local material, local skills

Build interim                                   affordable now, grow later

Build hope, not ambition               architecture should offer hope to grow, not be heavy with ambition

Build need, not greed                    necessity is cool, excess sucks

Build joy, not ego                           the difference could be subtle

In my opinion, his manifesto is a very clear and straight forward work ethic that every architects should follow although they are all basics. However, architects nowadays tend to forget or ignore the basics when it comes to big projects, a successful architect is whom that achieve most of the manifesto. Green buildings is a hit right now but as Ar. Madhura said, it’s not just about the green points that the electrical appliances in the buildings that counts, it’s the design of the building itself that matters most. “Build on less” he said during his speech. We should really take this part of the manifesto seriously as the earth is slowly deteriorating and we as architects should reduce the harm to mother nature by building in a greener way. Reduce the cutting down of trees and replanting them is a good way to start.

He presented about Jaffna Cultural Centre which he and his team designed to help the people of Northern Province, especially the people of Jaffna to reconnect to themselves as well as to the rest of the country and to rejuvenate, promote and nurture the ancient cultural heritage of Jaffna. He integrated nature with this cultural centre by creating a landscape surrounded by trees, that give cool shades for people to carry out activities in the public square. He also mentioned that people of Jaffna treat the public library there as a sacred place to the extend they take off their shoes before entering the library, which I think it’s a very good practise.

His other work including Villa Maggona, Green House, and even his own house are all integrating with mother nature as the space is opened to nature. From what I observed, all his buildings are opened to nature view that really cut down the barrier between interior and exterior, as stated in his manifesto. It really gives the feeling of tropical when interior spaces are opened and connected to such outdoor spaces. Skylights are introduced for natural lighting and he also mentioned that it is important to celebrate the joys of life, which is the sunsets and sunrise.

Other than that, Ar. Madhura also involve in restoring the buildings that got hit by tsunami back in year 2004. Due to the tsunami policy which stated no new buildings are allowed, only repair and rebuild, he put a lot of effort in restorations and reforestation. That is what he did in Kalametiya to recreate a livable environment. The world need more architects like this that are willing to throw himself into restoration work like this because in my opinion not many people are willing to help in post-disaster restoration as it has minimum pay or no pay at all. Salute!

All in all, I think Ar. Madhura Prematilleke is a great architect with the right morale in his practise. With all his manifesto, he is actually designing with the nature and really plays his part in conserving the environment. Hopefully I could be one of them who truly practise along with his manifesto in the future.


"Ordinary is the new special"

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