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As it was in the beginning, humans or should I say Homo sapiens, always had the need for shelter. This basic human need has been embedded into our instinct that no matter what era we are from, that need is and always will be there. A place to take shelter is important for all humans as it provides us comfort and protection from the harsh environment. As humans, we love to be in the comfort zone. That is why many people settle into something they are comfortable with.

To answer the question, the one distinctive thing which has changed from then and now would be the technological advancements used to design residential buildings. Back then to now the materials have not changed much. There has been mud bricks used to build houses, and there are houses built from mud now as well. There has been stone caves, and there are houses built from stone. The form may have changed but not the materials.

Housing Through The Centuries


This change in form and design is due to the technological advancements and innovations we humans created. All the resources on this planet is the fixed variable, but with our technology we are able to come out with the manipulated variables. We have been able to design anti-seismic houses back in Machu Picchu using trapezoid shaped stones yet we are able to do so with a giant counter balance ball in larger buildings in Tokyo. The knowledge that has been passed down through the ages has been reinterpreted and reinvented in a whole new way. This is because we possess the right equipment and technology to make it possible. Back in the days, there were no tools to cut big chunks of metal or cast perfectly measured beams. Somethings were possible like making bricks but with current advancements, we now have many types of bricks for various purpose.

Houses in Machu Picchu were built leaning inwards which strengthen everytime an earthquake occured.

Seismis Control Device installed in buildings in Tokyo help counter balance the forces during an earthquake.

As we move into a modern age, our houses are getting built by more and more machinery. As compared to the olden days, people used their own hands to build the houses. Back in 2015, a building that was built entirely by a 3D printer has been completed. The building cost around 160000USD. These showcase of technological advancement proves to use that we could start building various shapes and sizes of buildings with just a 3D printer.





















In my opinion, the houses in the past just served as a shelter with very little thought into the design and form but now, a lot has to be considered in terms of space planning and function before the form takes place. Somewhat to me, I feel that this would be the path of the future which will be considered in the next century. After that, God knows what architecture would become. For all we know, maybe all residential houses will be 3D printed. :p


residential typology

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