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thas's a wrap!


design theories


by chong wei hao 


After 14 classes of Theories of Architecture Design, it has finally come to an end. There’s only one word to conclude this subject in this semester, fantabulous! Throughout 14 years of formal education, this theory class is definitely the most special and fun class I ever had. Imagine whole class watching movie in cinema where that’s part of our assignment, my friend would quite jealous about that.

Theory class has never been bored because the way that we learn is different from other classes. We learning through videos, lecture talks, and site visit as well. Tedx talk is one of the most frequently shown video during classes where all of them are so inspiring to me. One of the most interesting Tedx talk was lecture about five sense presented by Jinsop Lee. I’ve never thought of the importance of introducing 5 senses into our design. In upper semester, lecturer always hope we can design with senses, to enhance the user experience but I don’t know how. Once until the introduction of 5-senses graph by Jinsop Lee, now I only know how to design collaborate with human senses. That graphical method is totally a mind blow for me but it’s very helpful.

Other than having ordinary class in the classroom, we are encouraged to attend public lecture outside the classroom. So far we have attend Archidex and Arhictecural Workshop talk and both are fruitful as well. Learning from other is very helpful as what they sharing are their personal experience and opinion. We might not experience the same so lecture given by them is an extra knowledge for us to learn and improve our self. Lecturer series is more effective as we can really feel the true expression of the speaker during sharing, we can learn from other perspective as well. For instance, the talk given by Bandung’s Mayor, Mr Ridwan Kamil is fascinating for me. He has introduced the beauty of Bandung and how he using architectural thinking to lead Bandung into a better city. I have never been Bandung before but through this public lecture, I can know Bandung more. Thus, public lecture is one of the effective way of gaining knowledge so in the future, I would willing to attend similar architecture public lecturer because it’s really helping for me.

One of the fresh experience of having this theory class was definitely our weekly assignment, blogging. Why do you think an architecture student should write a blog? Actually I learn a lot through blogging. It’s quite stressful because we have to write one blog in 2-3 hours’ time, but I think it’s not a bad thing because architecture student always trained to rush for submission and this is part of training that is quite appropriate. Blogging let us to really do research and express our self through words and pictures. Blogging really need a lot of idea and effort, it’s not as easy as what I think. We have learn to write and compose an article like what journalist do. Well, architecture student learn everything!

Here come the last conclusion of for this theories blog.

Suddenly the atmosphere became so emotional when it comes to an end. Architecture Design Theory class is the most interesting subject in degree of architecture. They said it’s an advance version of architectural history and I quite agree with that because we learning through more interesting and effective way other than study on slides or PowerPoint. Rating for this class would be…. 9 out of 10! Thank you Ms Sue for making this class so much fun although it’s so stressful while waiting to answer question every class. Thanks for being so kind and humour while teaching us, I appreciate your effort in conducting this class and makes us learn a lot. So I think that’s it for this semester. We hope you can inspire more juniors in the future.


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